Don’t Eat Messy Foods On A plane… And 4 Other Career/Travel Tips

Originally posted via LinkedIn.

As a change management consultant who travels weekly, Sundays are my day to pack (even on Super Bowl XLIX – looking forward to a great game here between the Seahawks and Patriots!).

I’ve traveled extensively over the past years, and wanted to share some tips and lessons learned along the way. I hope this is helpful to others.

Here they are:

  1. Don’t eat messy foods on planes. Years ago I purchased a quesadilla just before boarding a flight to Washington DC. At the time, I was hungry and that selection sounded delicious. Once on the plane, I realized my meal was messy and difficult to consume, so I tried to inhale it as quickly as possible and then discard the empty container. After this experience I learned to avoid messy foods at all costs, and instead opt for dry snacks, protein bars, or similar options.
  2. Plan ahead and be prepared. A trip may be unexpectedly extended, or coffee spills on something, or you get invited to a special client dinner. All of these scenarios have happened to me, and thankfully I was prepared. Pack extra clothes when traveling, and don’t forget a Tide pen. Other easy ways to be prepared are to store key numbers and information in your phone and in a back-up notebook. That way, you won’t have to waste time digging for a colleague’s phone number, a new address, or other piece of information when you need it. Also, keep electronic devices charged (and back-up batteries if you have them), so that you can use them in a pinch. You never know when you will need your cell or laptop, and outlets at airports are often crowded.
  3. Carry business cards in your wallet. You never know who you are going to meet, and that person sitting next to you on a plane could become your future client or colleague. Don’t be afraid to ask for business cards or share yours if it seems appropriate. If I have an engaging conversation with someone new, I share my card and ask the other person to share as well.
  4. Be polite and empathetic to everyone. This goes without saying. Whether at the airport, hotel, on the street, etc., be polite to those around you.
  5. Don’t sweat it. Your plane got delayed? No cars are available at the car rental? Don’t sweat it and don’t stress. Save that energy for more important things, like health and wellbeing. When delays or issues do pop up, determine what options are available and select the best one. Last year I traveled from Washington DC to Peoria, IL with a connection in Detroit, and my connecting flight from Detroit to Peoria got delayed a few hours. I was scheduled to lead a client’s virtual collaboration session that day. Once my connecting flight was delayed, I immediately called my engagement partner and offered to work from our Detroit office for a few hours. He liked the idea, so I took a cab to the Detroit office, conducted the virtual session, went back to the airport that evening, and flew to Peoria. Our client reported a very positive experience from the virtual session, and I couldn’t have been happier.
    What are your best career/travel tips?